Pre-Exam 2014: overview (paper, first impression, legal part, claims analysis part, further training)

A copy of the Pre-Exam 2014 paper is available from our website:
First impressions about the Pre-Exam 2014 paper are provided at the thread:
Our answers are posted in two separate threads for the two parts:
Please post your comments to the respective parts and specific questions and statements to the respective blogs.

Although we believe that the answers that we have provided are correct, there may be one, two or three different from what the Exam Committee considers to be correct (in particular in the Claims Analysis Part). So, when comparing your answer with our answers and conclude where you passed, failed or are around the pass/fail level, take some safety margin ;-)

Further training
(click "Read more)"

If you score -according to the Exam Committee- 70 marks or more, you passed:
If you pass the Pre-Exam but your Basic Legal knowledge was not really at such a level that you have confidence that you will be at main D level in less than a year from now, we also offer an 8-day Basic Legal Training (in 3 blocks of 4, 2 and 2 days) at our course venue in Eindhoven (NL) to provide you the Basic Legal background and practice, which you can then develop further using courses from our Main Exam training program and/or our Main Exam material. For the 8-day basic Legal Training, all material and tuition is provided in English.
The 8-day, 3-block course is currently scheduled twice:
  • a first course group starting in late March (31/3-3/4, 2-3/6 and 8-9/9) to allow main exam 2015 candidates to complete the Basic Legal Course before enrolling in the main exam methodology courses, and
  • a second course group starting in September (15-18/9, 3-4/11, 15-16/12) to allow pre-exam 2015 candidates to do a complete legal training starting only after summer.
Also, the course can be given in-house if your organization has a sufficient number of candidates - please contact our course department for a quotation.

The details of all courses can be found on our website under "IP Courses".


  1. Some candidates contacted us whether it is possible to file an appeal against a FAIL decision when disagreeing with one or more answers, or whether there would be a way to make the Examination Board change the official answers (from T to F or vice versa, or to an "both T and F are considered correct for this statement") and remark the papers of candidates that failed.

    We comment to this item on the Legal Pre-Exam Blog (, as statement 10.4 seems to be the most likely statement in respect such an action may be succesful (and maybe some of the claims analysis statements, such as maybe 18.4 and 20.2, but in particular 20.1).
